Our Programs

Our Programs

Since 1995, a government-aided Ashram Shala has been operational at Gopaldham. The Ashram Shala is an elementary, residential school specifically for students belonging to the Scheduled Castes. It is funded by the State Social Welfare Department. Currently, there are 72 boys and girls from grades 1 to 8, supported by two full-time government teachers and four non-government teachers.

As it is a residential program, the students come from different towns and villages across Gujarat, with a few students coming from Madhya Pradesh. Most of the parents are engaged in unorganised labour in agriculture and industries, typically earning just about the minimum wage with an annual income of around Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 1,50,000.

After completing elementary education, many students discontinue schooling upon returning to their villages or towns, perpetuating educational gaps and hindering their long-term prospects.

Our intervention aims to enhance student learning experiences, encompassing both classroom instruction and overall development. The intervention will be measured against the following success criteria over the next 5 years:

Standard Girls Boys Total
1 1 4 5
2 - 1 1
3 5 9 14
4 1 13 14
5 3 6 9
6 3 9 12
7 3 6 9
8 4 4 8
Total 20 52 72

Our Growth Plan

We are on a path of steady growth, aiming to expand our reach and impact over the coming years. Our targeted number of students and the percentage increase in enrolment each year are outlined here: